Thursday, July 3, 2008

Missoula Montana for the 4th!

Michael is having trouble sending photos, but he has let me know that he has reached Missoula, Montana, and is at the Aventure Cycling Headquarters!
Some detaisl from his email: "It has been pretty fun since we last spoke - full of interesting people, competitive scrabble and a hell of a lot of hills. The rumor is it flattens out about 400 miles from here so that might change it up a bit. Hopefully it is not just boring as hell but I guess that is what talking to people is for. It is amazing how conservative this part of the country is. I mean really conservative. I will give you a call soon to give you more details as my time on this computer is running out."
Happy 4th of July Michael! The peaches at the Farm are absolutely delicious. My uncle and his friend (also on a cross-country bicycle trip) just reached St. Augustine, FL - Seattle to St. Augustine in 65 days! Enjoy those hills, at least it is not humid. Their reports of the humidity in the south sounded horrible.

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